PreK (child at least 4 years old by Sept 1st to enroll in a Tx pre-k program) Registration This Week. Please bring:
Proof of residency
Child’s birth certificate
Child’s social security card
Child’s current immunization record
TODAY! April 22nd 4-7pm in LHS Cafeteria.
5th Grade Students Picked JH Courses.
If you missed this opportunity, the info will be in Ms Clark’s weekly parent email.
5TH GRADERS! TONIGHT! Don't Miss Out Signing Up For Your Junior High Classes!
Shanklin Elem celebrating their pets by voting for the "Teacher's Pet".
All proceeds will go to the Williamson County Animal Shelter to support their need following the March tornados. Vote (place money in the jars) through Thurs the 28th.
Friday, April 22nd 4-7pm in LHS Cafeteria.
5TH GRADERS! Mark Your Calendars! Don't Miss Out Signing Up For Your Junior High Classes!
Come on by on your way to the baseball game!!!
The students that placed in a UIL Academic district competition were recognized at the LISD Board meeting as well as the District Spotlight recipients.
5th Grade students were introduced to the GJHS campus this morning. As they rotated through the gym, band hall, library and classrooms lead by the JH Student Leaders, the 5th graders were given information about elective classes and an opportunity to ask questions.
Student Work Is Displayed Throughout The Elem Hallways!
Blood Drive: Reserve Appointment Time Online. Luling ISD is hosting a blood drive! Sorry. No walk-ins will be accepted. We’ll be stationed in the Bloodmobile Bus in front of the CLC Building.
STUDENT REGISTRATION: PreKinder students register April 25th-29th, Kindergarten students new to District register May 2nd-6th, all RETURNING PK-12 students as well as New District will register later in July.
STAAR Testing. May 3rd - May 12th. Please check the schedule and help your student be successful by 1. Arriving at school early.
2. Eating a good breakfast. 3. Getting a good nights sleep all week!
All Parents Wishing To Enroll Their 4yr and 5yr old Children, Please Register Your Child One Of These Dates. Pre-Kindergarten Registration April 25-29. Kindergarten Registration May 2-6.
Enjoy The Day!
UPDATE: The 5th Grade students completed their Dragon Eyes project. Here's a look at the process and some of the final products! Amazing Art!!!
LHS Eagles welcomed the Elem students to school today!
REMINDER: No Classes on Friday, April 15th in observance of the Easter Holiday.
Reminder Today!