Due to low registration, today's COVID VACCINE clinic has been CANCELED. The next vaccine clinic will be April 22nd. We are sorry for any inconvenience and will continue to work with providers.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
Bake Sale: Please help support the Lady Eagles’ Summer Bball team as they play in summer tournaments.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
bake sale
5TH GRADERS! Mark Your Calendars! Don't Miss Out Signing Up For Your Junior High Classes!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
District SHAC Meeting. All staff, parents and community members invited. Student Health to be discussed. Wed 5pm in GJHS meeting room.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
Walgreens to provide Covid vaccines ages 5 and up as well as Boosters and 2nd Boosters. Please reserve at https://forms.gle/ZgSyuowXN59CqRrJ8 We need 25 people to reserve a vaccine for this free clinic to occur.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
With just 7 more weeks remaining in this school year, let's work to make them count!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
STAAR Testing. May 3rd - May 12th. Please check the schedule and help your student be successful by 1. Arriving at school early. 2. Eating a good breakfast. 3. Getting a good nights sleep all week!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
Walgreens to provide Covid vaccines ages 5 and up as well as Boosters and 2nd Boosters. Please reserve at https://forms.gle/ZgSyuowXN59CqRrJ8 We need 25 people to reserve a vaccine for this free clinic to occur.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
5th Graders! Don't miss signing up for JH classes on April 21st. Sign up will be held in Shanklin Cafeteria beginning at 6pm.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
5th grade
Alumnos de 5th Grado. Inscripción para las clases de junior high. 21 de abril.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
 5th Grade
Just 7 More Weeks Remain. Let's Make Them Count!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
7 weeks
Walgreens to provide Covid vaccines ages 5 and up as well as Boosters and 2nd Boosters. Please reserve at https://forms.gle/ZgSyuowXN59CqRrJ8 We need 25 people to reserve a vaccine for this free clinic to occur.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
REMINDER: No Classes on Friday, April 15th in observance of the Easter Holiday.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
good friday
Walgreens to provide Covid vaccines ages 5 and up as well as Boosters and 2nd Boosters. Please reserve at https://forms.gle/ZgSyuowXN59CqRrJ8 We need 25 people to reserve a vaccine for this free clinic to occur.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
5TH GRADERS! Mark Your Calendars! Don't Miss Out Signing Up For Your Junior High Classes!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
Walgreens to provide Covid vaccines ages 5 and up as well as Boosters and 2nd Boosters. Please reserve at https://forms.gle/ZgSyuowXN59CqRrJ8 We need 25 people to reserve a vaccine for this free clinic to occur.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
Today Luling ISD is celebrating our amazing Paraprofessionals. These individuals build relationships with students and staff. They are called upon to support both academic and behavior goals as well as the daily needs of the campus. They are amazing!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
We Appreciate Our Librarians!!!!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
LISD appreciates the exceptional leadership that our Assistant Principals demonstrate. They are a valuable asset to not only the staff and students, but the community as well. National Assistant Principals Week April 4-8.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith
assistant principals
We Can All Be The Difference In The Life Of A Student.
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Smith