Finally! The seasons are starting!
Girls' and Boys' Soccer Schedules: https://www.luling.txed.net/page/athletics

The letter J

Gratitude Overflow! This Thanksgiving, Luling ISD is bursting with thanks for our incredible teachers who light up minds every day! Special shout-out to the amazing 2023-24 class of teachers new to the profession - your passion and dedication are shaping the future! #LulingLearns

Shanklin Elementary Student Council attended the Board meeting on Monday to share recent and upcoming events. They also performed a song from the Veterans Day celebration on Friday. Great job Shanklin STUCO! #LulingPrepare #LulingEmpower #LulingInspire

Today is World Kindness Day, a day to celebrate and promote kindness in all its forms. Kindness is contagious, so when we are kind, we inspire others to be kind too.
Let’s make kindness the norm, and make our school, our community, and our world a better place for everyone. Happy World Kindness Day!

Let's unite for National Hunger And Homelessness Week! As we raise awareness, let's remember the power of compassion and community. Together, we can make a difference and strive for a world where everyone has a place to call home and a meal on their table.

Our students are working hard to learn new content and review prior learning! Grade 3 Math not only met but surpassed State performance on the 2023 STAAR test in Approaches, Meets, and Masters levels! Huge shoutout to our dedicated teachers and young mathematicians!

On Veterans Day, LISD honors and salutes the brave men and women who have selflessly served our country. Let's remember and express our gratitude for their sacrifices and dedication to protecting our freedom. #LulingHonors

Professional Development

Shanklin Elementary students and staff along with the Luling High School Band presented a Veterans Day Program to commemorate all veterans of all wars and eras—past, present and future; living and dead. Veterans Day is a time when we remind our fellow Americans to stop and say thank you to those who served. Thank you for taking the time to honor our veterans .with us. Part 2

Shanklin Elementary students and staff along with the Luling High School Band presented a Veterans Day Program to commemorate all veterans of all wars and eras—past, present and future; living and dead. Veterans Day is a time when we remind our fellow Americans to stop and say thank you to those who served. Thank you for taking the time to honor our veterans .with us. Part 1

Honoring our heroes! Shanklin Elementary hosted a special VeteransDay program this morning to express gratitude to those who've served our nation. We salute the brave men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom. #LulingHonors

Did you know we offer our 65 and older Luling citizens a Gold Card that grants them FREE access to ALL home, athletic events?? Cheer your hearts out and enjoy the thrill of the games without any cost!
If you qualify, please stop by Central Office and pick yours up! 8am-4pm M-F

Shanklin PK students had HEB Buddy and Luling HEB store managers come and visit.
Along with promoting healthy eating, HEB Buddy wants to make sure students have a love for reading at an early age, so he brought books for all the students to take home!

Shanklin Elementary students were wild about learning at the Science Curriculum Night. Each grade level had an interactive table for students to experiment and learn about science! Information was given about the Shanklin Science Fair that will take place in December for our 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students, Part 2

Shanklin Elementary students were wild about learning at the Science Curriculum Night. Each grade level had an interactive table for students to experiment and learn about science! Information was given about the Shanklin Science Fair that will take place in December for our 3rd, 4th & 5th grade students, Part 1

Our fifth-grade scientists are having fun exploring how the mass of an object affects its motion. #handsonlearning #sciencerocks #LulingLearns


We just made celebrating your child's birthday at school easier! You can now preorder cupcakes from our amazing food services department and have them delivered to your child's classroom on their birthday!! Delicious and one less thing you have to do! Perfect!

Shanklin Elementary Can Food Drive has begun! Student Council was busy this morning setting out boxes outside each classroom for their annual food drive that will benefit our local Luling Food Bank. There is a competition to see which class brings in the most items! The drive will end on November 15.