Exploring the world of books
Each day has something to offer!
The progress on the new Shanklin campus can be seen as crews continue to work creating a spectacular educational experience for Luling youngsters!
Shanklin’s Circle Drive now open for Arrival and Dismissal for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students along with younger siblings. Please only use Houston Street behind visitor stands to access the Front Circle and only use Hackberry down through campus for side door, not Houston St.
Shanklin’s Circle Drive now open for Arrival and Dismissal for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students along with younger siblings. Please only use Houston Street behind visitor stands to access the Front Circle and only use Hackberry down through campus for side door, not Houston St.
Shanklin’s Circle Drive now open for Arrival and Dismissal for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade students along with younger siblings. Please only use Houston Street behind visitor stands to access the Front Circle and only use Hackberry down through campus for side door, not Houston St.
Thank You! We will continue to get faster!
Shanklin Elementary has worked with construction company to offer a more improved dismissal routes and pick-up points. We will continue to work on providing a safe, timely dismissal. The traffic map as well as pick-up doors for grade levels can be seen in the LISD website NEWS.
A few Elementary Science Pics Today! Great Scientists creating observation journals and recording lab equipment info!
NEW DISMISSAL PLAN- Thank you for your patience. * PK, Kinder, 1st & 2nd will be picked up at the same place as dismissal. *3rd, 4th, and 5th and younger siblings will be picked up at the front entrance in the main parking lot. Construction vehicles will be cleared out Please see map below for Traffic Flow & have Car Tags visible.
Shanklin Elementary has worked with construction company to offer a more improved dismissal routes and pick-up points. We will continue to work on providing a safe, timely dismissal. The traffic map as well as pick-up doors for grade levels can be seen in the LISD website NEWS.
NEW DISMISSAL PLAN- Thank you for your patience. * PK, Kinder, 1st & 2nd will be picked up at the same place as dismissal. *3rd, 4th, and 5th and younger siblings will be picked up at the front entrance in the main parking lot. Construction vehicles will be cleared out Please see map below for Traffic Flow & have Car Tags visible.
NEW DISMISSAL PLAN- Thank you for your patience. * PK, Kinder, 1st & 2nd will be picked up at the same place as dismissal. *3rd, 4th, and 5th and younger siblings will be picked up at the front entrance in the main parking lot. Construction vehicles will be cleared out Please see map below for Traffic Flow & have Car Tags visible.
Shanklin Elementary has worked with construction company to offer a more improved dismissal routes and pick-up points. We will continue to work on providing a safe, timely dismissal. The traffic map as well as pick-up doors for grade levels can be seen in the LISD website NEWS.
NEW DISMISSAL PLAN- Thank you for your patience.
* PK, Kinder, 1st & 2nd will be picked up at the same place as dismissal.
*3rd, 4th, and 5th and younger siblings will be picked up at the front entrance in the main parking lot. Construction vehicles will be cleared out
Please see map below for Traffic Flow & have Car Tags visible.
¡Aprenderemos de hoy y haremos arreglos con la empresa constructora para ayudar a mejorar el mañana!
We will learn from today and make arrangements with construction company to help make tomorrow better!!!
This has been a great first day! Shanklin parents, please use these reminders to help make DAY TWO just as fantastic!!!!!!
Thank You For Your Patience. The Drop-Off and Pick-Up Routine Will Continue To Improve.