Presentation held at LHS gym. All are welcome!
Great Job!!!!!
LISD Calendar This Week. Thank you for supporting all the students in so many areas!
Fall Back
Luling ISD staff used Friday to increase knowledge, skill, and strategies. Preparation is the key to success. Appreciate all the effort our staff continues to show day in and day out.
Come see what we have up for auction! Luling ISD Auction
Elected Student Leaders
Thank you students and staff! The District collected a suburban full of toiletries for the Women’s Shelter! Cheerleaders delivered the items today! No one fights alone.
Here's where to get event info!
Celebration of the Senior Class. Pep rally included music, dancing, skits, and awards. Great job!!!!
Are you ready for some football? Come out to the game Friday night!
The 2nd graders were visited by the Luling Mayor today to learn about city government.
Come Celebrate!!!!
No Classes for Students on Friday. Staff will be participating in a Planning Day.
Come out to the game early, grab some chili and support the cheerleaders!
See what's for breakfast and lunch on our website!
Welcome To November!
Seeing Others
Good to remember.
Enjoy the weekend.