Grief focussed camp. Free to kids 7-13. Online application.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Nickells Library Events In May
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
PreKinder and (new student) Kinder Registration available online. If you need assistance, the following times are available on the Shanklin Campus.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Children mirror what they see. RESPECT demonstrated on their own during the National Anthem.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Gabby Polk & Danica Brown were named poster winners for Drug & Substance abuse awareness contest by Connections counselor B. Spears.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
TONIGHT! Students in art, theater, band, and 5th grade music will be highlighted until 6:45pm on the Shanklin campus. Performing Arts and Visual Arts seen in the LISD PAVA festival!
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Unique Artwork on Display Tonight From 5:15-6:45 on the Shanklin campus.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Bringing Elem/JHS/HS Art, Band, Ensembles, 5th Grade Choir, JH/HS Theater all together for ONE Night in ONE Place!!! Thurs- 5:15pm hosted at Shanklin. PERFORMING and VISUAL ARTS evening (PAVA 2023)
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Inscripción para Pre-K y Kinder. La elegibilidad para Pre-K se basa en la EDAD (debe tener 4 años antes del 9/1/23) y INGRESO. Se recomienda para completar el proceso en una computadora de escritorio. (no compatible con dispositivo móvil) Asistencia en el campus de Shanklin.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Registration for Pre-K and Kinder. Pre-K eligibility based on AGE (must be 4 on or before 9/1/23) and INCOME eligible. Recommended to complete the process on a laptop or desktop. (not compatible with mobile device) Assistance provided on the Shanklin campus.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Come enjoy student Performing Arts and Visuals Arts on display Thursday at 5:15pm. Band, Theater, Arts and Music to all be shared at the Shanklin campus. Just ONE Night!
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Register your child for a Summer Sports Camp with QR Code or link.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Performing Arts and Visual Arts (PAVA) Festival is Thursday evening hosted on the Shanklin campus. Doors open at 5:15. Come enjoy music, theater and art as displayed and performed by PK-12th grade students.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Bringing Elem/JHS/HS Art, Band, Ensembles, 5th Grade Choir, JH/HS Theater all together for ONE Night in ONE Place!!! Thurs- 5:15pm hosted at Shanklin. PERFORMING and VISUAL ARTS evening (PAVA 2023)
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Hope you are enjoying your friends and family today!!!!
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Bringing Elem/JHS/HS Art, Band, Ensembles, 5th Grade Choir, JH/HS Theater all together for ONE Night in ONE Place!!! Thurs- 5:15pm hosted at Shanklin. PERFORMING and VISUAL ARTS evening (PAVA 2023)
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
On Thursday 4/13, LISD presents the first ever P.A.V.A. event! Students (K-12th) will share their Performing Arts and Visual Arts projects. The Shanklin campus will host the event, opening their doors at 5:15.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Enjoy the family time!
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Luling ISD at Tx State Education Career Fair #HireABobcat
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith
Some LISD staff and students came out to support the community Autism Awareness Walk.
almost 2 years ago, Nicole Smith